Wednesday, April 13, 2016


The following are pictures taken in the Belem section of Lisbon on our first day.

Statue of Marquis da Pombol who rebuilt Lisbon following the earthquake of 1775

Coach of King Phillip II, oldest in Museum - 1619

Coach of Queen Maria Francisco

Coach of Pope Clement XI

Coach of Embassy to Pope Clements, circa 1716

Litters and Sedan Chairs

Children's Cabriolets

Coach where King Carlos and his son were killed in 1908 bringing the end of royalty in Portugal

Bullet holes in King Carlos' coach

Jeromine Monastery

Inside the church at the Monasery

Tomb of Vasco da Gama inside the church

Cloisters inside the Monastery

Courtyard in the Cloisters area

Royal Barge

Jeromine Monastery

Belem Tower

Lisbon's bull-fighting arena


Age of Discoveries Monument

Age of Discoveries Monument

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