Saturday, March 21, 2020

Brussels 7-9 December 2019

Brussels                  7-9 December 2019       
Our car picked us up at the hotel at 1 PM for the two-hour drive to Brussels.  The price was just about the same as a train, but this was so much more comfortable.  And this way we did not have manhandle our luggage on and off the train and then down to the tram that would take us to the hotel.
We arrive in Brussels about 3 PM to find the area around our hotel – Marriott Hotel Brussels – all torn up with construction.  They were putting in new underground pipes.  We were lucky, our car was able to get within a block of our hotel, but the Stevens had to walk about 2 blocks to the Grand Market (Grote Markt) square and then across the square to their hotel.  We made plans to meet in the square by Starbucks for dinner.
For dinner we walked around the area surrounding the Grand Market and came across the Au Coin Gourmand.  One of the proprietors was outside “hawking” the value of his restaurant.  We decided to give it a try.  I enjoyed a nice hot bowl of pumpkin soup along with a seafood dinner.  Bill opted for a steak.  After dinner we walked through the Grote Markt on our way back to our hotel.  If possible, it was more spectacular at night than during the day.
Grote Market at Night

Grote Market by Day
The next day the Stevens did a walking tour of Brussels.  Since we had already seen most of the city, Bill and I just enjoyed walking around the Grand Market – I think it is the most beautiful square in Europe.  There was a huge Christmas Tree in the center and Christmas Market booths around the edge.  And the gold gild on all the buildings surrounding the square is breathtaking.  We also walked over to the Old Fish Market area near St. Catherine’s Church to see another of the Christmas Markets.  Our last stop was to see the Mannekin Pis all decked out in his Christmas attire.  The area around the Mannekin Pis is known for its Belgium Waffles so of course we both had to have one.  What’s not to like about a warm waffle smothered in caramel, chocolate and whipped cream.  Heavenly!!!

Christmas Market Carousal
Christmas Market

Christmas Market
Christmas Market

Funny Christmas Ice Monster

Mannekin Pis

 That night we met the Stevens for dinner at O’Reilly’s Irish Pub just across from our hotel.  I think there is an O’Reilly’s in every major city!  Although it was crowded – there were several soccer matches being televised, we were finally able to find a seat and enjoyed a delicious dinner of fish and chips.

The next morning (our last full day in Brussels) we ate breakfast in the Hotel restaurant.  It was still raining, but I needed to visit a few more chocolate shops before returning home tomorrow.  So, we walked toward the Grand Market where I had seen several shops that would have what I wanted.  We bought the last of the candy and returned to the hotel to try and figure out where it was all going to fit in our suitcases.  Bill’s carry-on was filled with the Glühwein mugs we had accumulated over our trip (18 in all), while my carry-on was stuffed with chocolate candy and the little glass ornaments we had bought from the glassblower on the ship.  We finished packing and then met the Stevens for our last meal in Brussels.

We ate dinner tonight at Chez Remy.  It was a nice little restaurant about 1 block off of the Grand Market.  The staff was very friendly and helpful.  Bill and I shared a chateaubriand for our dinner.
We then walked back to the Grand Market to watch the light show that the Stevens had told us about.  As I said earlier, I think this is the prettiest square in Europe, but add the light show to it and it was beyond spectacular.  We were mesmerized for about 30 minutes just watching the buildings around the square light up with different colored lights set to music.  What a fantastic finish to a wonderful Christmas Market River Cruise.  We are homeward bound tomorrow.
 Scenes from the Grote Market Light Show


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