Monday, October 4, 2021

4 October Some of the Ancient Egyptian Rulers


Some of the Ancient Egyptian Rulers

Below is a short description of some of the more important rulers of Ancient Egypt.  They are, by no means, the entire list of pharaohs.  In total there were about 190 rulers or pharaohs – some ruled only a short period, while others ruled for many years.  There were a total of 32 dynasties in Egyptian history (see the Timeline of Ancient Egyptian History for a brief synopsis of periods of Egyptian history and the dynasties that ruled).  The rulers or pharaohs enjoyed absolute power over their subjects and were revered as divine deities.

I have selected 10 of those rulers who made a significant impact on Egyptian Civilization.  They are listed in chronological order, not order of importance.  Of course, there are others that made an impact on Egyptian civilization, but that would result in this blog becoming a novel and probably putting you all to sleep.

1. Djoser

Djoser was an Old Kingdom pharaoh during the 3rd Dynasty, ruling from 2630 to 2611 BCE.  During his reign, the kingdom made great advances in architecture, agriculture, and trade.   He is best known for the construction of the Step Pyramid, the first pyramid built with stone (limestone), that marked the beginning of the Egyptian pyramid building.  His reign is surrounded by legend, however. Stories claim that Egypt suffered a 7-year famine and Djoser built a temple to honor Khnum, the god that controlled the flow of the Nile River.  Happy with his dedication, Khnum returned the water to the river, and the famine ended. 

2. Khufu

King Khufu ruled during the Old Kingdom, the second Pharaoh of the Fourth Dynasty. His reign lasted from 2589 to 2566 BCE.  Perhaps his most well-known contribution to Egypt was the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, a monument that is still standing today (two of his sons, also pharaohs, Khafre and Menkaure had the other two pyramids at Giza built). The pyramid was built with 2.3 million stones, each weighing between 2 and 15 tons. He left such an impact on the society, that approximately 2,000 years after his death some Egyptians created a cult to worship him as a god.  His pyramid is the only remaining fully intact wonder of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

3. Hatshepsut

Hatshepsut, the 5th ruler from the 18th dynasty, was the third, and most successful, woman to become a pharaoh.  She became the ruler when her husband and half-brother, Thutmose II died.  His son (Thutmose III), by a different wife, was too young to assume the position at the time and Hatshepsut first became his regent. She insisted it was her right to rule based on her bloodline and wore the symbols of a king.  Her rule lasted for nearly 20 years, from 1473 until 1458 BCE. During this time, she accomplish more than many other pharaohs, establishing foreign trade routes and commissioning the construction of many structures, including her mortuary temple in the Valley of the Kings.  After her death, Thutmose III erased most of her memory and her reign.


4. Thutmose III

The son of Thutmose II, he was too young to rule Egypt when his father died, leaving Hatshepsut as his regent and later pharaoh of the country. Thutmose III ruled from 1479 until 1425 BCE and is sometimes referred to as the Napoleon of Ancient Egypt because of his military intelligence and military achievements.  As a ruler, he transformed Egypt into a triumphant, conquering nation.  He is the first person in history to utilize the sea during war efforts against the Kingdom of Phoenicia. His first major conquest was a victory in Negiddo, located in what is now northern Israel and better known by its Greek name Armageddon.  It is said that he rode into battle “on a chariot of fine gold, decked in his shining armor.”  During his reign, Egypt carried out 16 military campaigns, capturing around 350 cities.  He is credited with the construction of the Temple at Karnak. 

5. Amenhotep III

Amenhotep III was the ruler for 38 years during the 18th Dynasty of the New Kingdom. His reign was one of artistic glory and prosperity.  He is remembered most for the abundant crops that were harvested under his reign.  Because of this, he was made a fertility God.  Rather than pursuing military conquests, Amenhotep III focused his administration on pursuing diplomatic relationships, building monuments, and encouraging the arts.  Egypt was at peace under Amenhotep III.  He also liked “selfies” – he is the pharaoh with the largest number of his own statues.

6. Akhenaten

Akhenaten was the son of Amenhotep III.  He was not a popular ruler because of his religious changes.  He forced the Egyptians to stop worshipping many deities in favor of the monotheistic worship of one god – Aten, the god of the solar disc.  He built a new capital at Amarna and named it Akhetaten and also changed his name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten.  One of his wives, Nefertiti, is depicted making sacrifices to the god in many artworks of the time.  After his death, his statues were destroyed and his name was erased from the list of kings.  Almost no history of him existed until they discovered his remains at Akhetaten.  His son, Tutankhamun, reversed his religious rulings and returned Egypt to the worship of Amun and other Egyptian deities.

7. Tutankhamun

Tutankhamun ruled during the 18th Dynasty, becoming pharaoh at the age of 9 and only ruling from 1332 to 1323 BCE.  He moved the capital to Thebes and returned Egyptian religion to a focus on Amun, a previously worshiped God, instead of Aten.  His short rule left a very small impact on Egypt.  Today, he is famous for the treasures found in his tomb during the 1920’s, the only nearly intact tomb so far discovered.  The examination of his mummified body revealed valuable information on the process of mummification.  His tomb is also said to be cursed; dozens of people have died after coming into contact with it.

8. Ramses II

Ramses II, known as the Great Ancestor, is considered one of the most powerful kings of Egypt’s New Kingdom.  The 3rd ruler from the 19th dynasty, he ruled from 1279 until 1213 BCE.  Some of his greatest accomplishments while in power were the great monuments he had built.  In fact, during his reign, more structures were built than during any other pharaoh’s time.  Ramses II is also famous for his military victories over the Hittites, Syrians, and Nubians, which allowed him to recapture Egyptian territory that had been previously lost under Akhenaten.  He was celebrated by the public and made into a god.  He made it his mission to return Egypt to the religion it had practiced before becoming monotheistic.

9. Ramses III

Ramses III was the second Pharaoh of the 20th Dynasty and is considered to be the last ruler with significant power.  He ruled from 1187 until 1151 BCE and during this time, Egypt began to lose its important role in the world.  Rather than focus on construction projects, Ramses III reorganized existing temples and allocated them arable lands.  At the time of his death, approximately 33% of agricultural lands belonged to the temples, leading to food shortages in the kingdom.  When his workers were not paid, they organized a strike which was the first in recorded history.  One of his wives and a number of his officials plotted an unsuccessful assassination attempt against Ramses III, hoping that the Queen’s son, Pentewere, would take the throne.  They were found guilty and forced to commit suicide.  Ramses IV, Ramses V, and Ramses VI, all his sons, went on to be the next 3 kings of Egypt.  Overall, the reign of Ramses III was marked by problems and economic decline.

10. Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII is one of the most well-known of the ancient Egyptian rulers.  She inherited her position after the death of her father, King Ptolemy XII.  She did not, however, rule alone. Because of the laws prohibiting women from ruling the kingdom, she was forced to share her position first with her younger brother and later with her son.  She claimed to be the Egyptian goddess Isis and later the Greek goddess Aphrodite, thus paying tribute to her Greek heritage. She came into rule during a time when the Roman Empire had control over the Egyptian Kingdom and demanded payment.  In order to secure an alliance with the Roman Empire, Cleopatra VII formed relationships with Caesar and Mark Antony.  Her reign was a time of prosperity and foreign trade.  She ruled until her death on August 12, 30 BCE, marking the end of the Egyptian Empire.


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