Friday, October 21, 2016

Pictures from Jaipur, India

Elephant carrying breakfast to his fellow elephants

Our elephant ride

Camel-drawn wagon

Step-well at Panna Meena Ka Kund

Panna Meena Ka Kund ruins

Looking down on ruins of Panna Meena Ka Kund from Amber Fort

Amber Fort - Hall of Public Audience

Looking up at Jaigarh Fort from Amber Fort

Amber Fort - Ganesh Pol - gate to royal living quarters

Amber Fort - Jai Mandir (or Sheesh Mahal or Mirror Hall)

Amber Fort - bathtub in women's living area

Amber Fort - women's living quarters

Wall around Amber Fort

Ruins from old 11th century city

Amber Fort

City Palace - points on door to stop elephants

Gate to City Palace

City Palace - tan building is residence of current royal family

City Palace

City Palace -world's largest silver pot

City Palace with palace for royal family

Jantar Mantar Observatory - world's largest sundial

Jantar Mantar Observatory - zodiac circle (shown here is Pisces)

Jantar Mantar Observatory - world's largest sundial

Palace of the Winds (Pink Palace)

Indian Rum with our Coke at the painting school

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