Friday, September 30, 2016

Photos from Cloisonne Factory, Great Wall, and Peking Opera

Cloisonné Vase

Vases waiting to be painted

Shaping the copper wire to fit the pattern

Gluing the copper wire  shapes to the vase

Painting the dish with an eyedropper

All the different colors of the natural paints

Painting the vase

A section of the great wall with a look-out tower

The Great Wall that we climbed

Climbing the Great Wall

Section of the "wild" Great Wall that we climbed

Trying out chopsticks at our home-hosted lunch

Moon cake in honor of the Mid-August Holiday

What was left from our home-hosted lunch

Another section of the Great Wall

At the Peking Opera - actor applying face paint

Dressing the actor in an emperor's costume

Actors in the Peking Opera

Actor in the Peking Opera

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