Friday, October 30, 2015

Romania -- Back to the 18th Century

Romania – where to begin.  It is a mixture of the old and the new.  Bucharest, the capital, is a bustling city, but the remnants of the 25 year dictatorship of the Communist Nicolae Ceausescu is still apparent in many of the buildings.  The early 20th century was the Golden Age of Bucharest.  Many neoclassical buildings were built and parks were patterned and landscaped after Parisian models such that in the 1930’s Bucharest was known as “Little Paris” or “Paris of the East”.  They even have a replica of the Arc de Triumph.  However, bombings in WWII and the 1940 earthquake destroyed much of Bucharest’s beauty.  Another earthquake in 1977 further decimated the city.  In the 1980’s Ceausescu began a massive redevelopment of the city, culminating with the construction of his grand Palace of the Parliament, meant to be the center of the Communist party in Bucharest.  The violent revolution in 1989 resulted in the fall and death of Ceausescu and the Communist Party in Romania, but many buildings still bear the scars and bullet holes of that time.  Today, the town is recovering and the Old Town has been turned into a beautiful pedestrian area lined with shops and restaurants.
Working the fields Romanian-style
Once you leave the outskirts of Bucharest, you feel like you have returned to the 18th and 19th centuries.  The area outside of the major cities are still farmland and many of the farmers still use the methods of 200 years ago.  It is not unusual to see a horse and wagon riding on the same roads as the cars.  Farmers still use horses to pull their plows in the fields.  Most farmers own small sections of land where they grow the crops that will sustain them through the winter months.  Shepherds still tend the flocks of sheep and herds of cows.  In the summer the shepherds take the sheep to the mountains to graze, returning in September with the flocks.  They stay with the sheep24 hours a day – you see them tending their flocks by day (usually with a dog or two) and at night they take them to a sheep fold where they sleep near them.  It is much the same with the cows.  A herder picks up the cows from their owners each morning, stays with them as they graze during the day, and then returns them to their barns at night.  The peasant women still dress in the long black skirt, leggings, and a scarf on their heads.  They preserve the summer crops for use in the winter and make their own plum brandy – which is like drinking moonshine.

Flock of sheep

So I guess the best place to start is at the beginning (just like in “Do-Re-Mi”).  It was a very stressful beginning to an otherwise serene and placid trip. Our flight out of Slovenia departed 45 minutes late and after one of the longest approaches, we landed just as our flight to Bucharest was supposed to board.  We parked at a remote area and they bused us to the immigration center – the farthest point to our next gate.  Bill literally ran to the gate (about a mile away) only to find out Turkish Airlines doesn’t care about on time take-offs.  We both made the flight and they were still loading passengers 30 minutes after our supposed take-off.  3 of or 4 bags made the flight, but Bill had to wait about an hour to fill out the lost bag form.  We got to our hotel about 2 am.  Fortunately, the travel company changed our meeting time with our guide until 11 AM.  And our lost bag was delivered to the hotel that afternoon.
We met Val our guide that morning.  He is 40 and never been married (although he does have a girlfriend that he says he intends to marry next year).  He studied law in college, but then decided that the law profession in Romania was full of corruption, so he opted to work in the corporate world in procurement and sourcing.  After several years where he said he got bored and gained too much weight, he took up martial arts and self-taught himself Japanese.  He spent 6 months as a Ranger in the Romanian Army.  He then spent 3 years working at the Japanese Embassy in Japan.  He eventually became a travel guide.

Our first day he took us on a car trip around Bucharest showing us some of the beautiful old buildings.  I’m glad he was driving – drivers in Bucharest are a terror (oh, and by the way, he has also taken a road rally course and has driven high performance cars around Europe – and he is a good driver).  We then parked and walked around the Old Town of Bucharest.  He showed us one of the oldest restaurants (1808) – Manuc; and the second grossing single operation (after the IKEA cafeteria) – the German Beer Gardens.  We also saw the ruins of the Old Court built by Vlad Tepes (better known to the world as the inspiration of Bram Stoker’s “Dracula”).  He took us to a little restaurant for lunch which had an amazing Pumpkin soup.
Pedistrian Walkway in Bucharest

Cat outside a craft store - only 300 EUROS!

Inside Manuc restaurant

Ruins of Old Court

Old Stock exchange-now an antique shop

Romanian Orthodox Church

In the afternoon he had made us a reservation to tour the Palace of the Parliament.  This was the building built by Ceausescu to be the center of the Communist Party.  However, he was executed before it was finished so he never got to use it.  It is the second largest building in the world (after our own Pentagon) and today houses the two branches of the Romanian Parliament – House of Senators and the House of Deputies.  The rest of the building is used for international conferences.  It has 12 stories and 3000 rooms.  All of the building materials came from Romania, as did the interior decorations.  It was an amazing tour.  We then stopped by Revolution Square where Ceausescu made his last speech on 21 December 1989 (the building today houses the Interior Ministry).  He was able to briefly escape from the crowd demanding “Down with Ceausescu,” but he and his wife were captured several hours later and executed on Christmas Day.  Many in the crowd were killed by Communist bullets that day.  Today, in an island in front of the building, is a white obelisk piercing a basketlike crown (really looks like a doughnut on a stick) known as the Rebirth Memorial.  When we were there, there was a small group of animal rights activists (by the statue of King Carol I) protesting the current government operation of killing stray dogs.
Palace of Parliament

Chandelier weighing 5 tons

Rebirth Memorial

Statue of Carol I with protestors
The next morning we left Bucharest and headed to Transylvania.  Our first stop was the Peles Castle, the summer home of Romania’s longest-serving monarch, King Carol I.  It is a fairy-tale castle, and if anyone has seen the Hallmark Channel’s film “A Princess for Christmas,” this is the castle featured in many of the outdoor scenes.  The inside has beautiful wood–carved walls and ceilings.  It was also the first European castle to have central heating, electricity, and built-in vacuuming.  Built in a predominantly German-Renaissance style, construction on the castle began in 1875 and was completed in 1914.
Peles Castle

Just down the road from the Castle was the Sinaia Monastery, home to about 40 monks.  There is a beautiful Orthodox church located inside the monastery.  We stopped at a nearby restaurant for lunch where I had a typical Romanian dish – bean soup in a bread bowl.  It became one of my favorite dishes.

Sinaia Monastery
Before reaching our final destination – Brashov, we stopped at Bran Castle.  It sits on top of a hill, and was built by Saxons in 1382 to defend the Bran pass against the Turks.  Although the castle may have provided a few nights refuge to Vlad Tepes (Vlad the Impaler and focus of Bram Stocker’s Dracula) in his escape from the Turks in 1462, Vlad never had any connection to this castle.  In 1920, Queen Maria lived in this castle and it was the summer residence of her husband King Michael until 1947 when he was forced to abdicate the throne.

Beautiful  fall foliage

Bran Castle

We spent the night in Brasov, the largest of the 7 fortified Saxon cities in Transylvania.  It was established on an ancient Dacian site in the 13th century by Teutonic knights and later became a German mercantile colony.  The Saxons built ornate churches and townhouses inside a massive fortified wall, while the Romanian natives lived outside the walls.  We stayed in a lovely little hotel just off the main square of the town.  For dinner, Val had recommended a Romanian restaurant, Sergiana, so we walked there.  We were not disappointed.  After this meal we learned to order one entrĂ©e and share it – Romanian dishes are very large and filling.
We started the next morning with a walking tour of the old part of Brasov.  We walked by the Black Church, but it was closed on Monday so we couldn’t go in.  It is the largest Lutheran Church in the country and got its name from a fire in 1689 that left the outside covered with black soot.  It was built in the Gothic style between 1383 –1480, and is still in use today. We walked through the main square and some of the narrow streets that were once part of the medieval city.  Today they are lined with little shops and cafes.  We walked along the western part of the wall that was built to surround the city in the 15th century to ward off attacks by the Turks.

Black Church

Old Town of Brasov

Leaving Brasov in late morning, we drove toward Bucovina and the painted monasteries.  To get there we had to drive through the beautiful Bicaz Gorges.  The gorges cut through sheer 1000’ high limestone cliffs where pine trees cling to the surfaces.  The road runs directly beneath the overhanging rocks – you had to tilt your head to look up at the cliffs.  It was truly spectacular!

Bicaz Gorge

Bicaz Gorge

Swans on the lake 
In route to our hotel in Gura Humorului, we passed a lake that several hundred swans on it. Although it was getting late, we stopped at the Humor Painted Monastery.   The painted monasteries are unique to Transylvania and Maramures.   Both the outside and the inside of these monasteries are covered with beautiful 5th century fresco paintings.  Unfortunately most of the north facing sides of the monasteries have lost their paintings due to the region’s prevailing winds and rains, but the paintings on the remaining sides of the monasteries have survived.  The prevailing reason for the outside paintings is that these fortified monasteries were built when the Turks threatened and would have housed large numbers of soldiers.  As these soldiers, like the peasants in the area around the monasteries, were mainly illiterate, the outdoor paintings helped explain biblical stories and ethical concepts. 
It was approaching 6 PM as we were inside the monastery.  Val had us come outside, and we heard this tapping sound.  It was one of the nuns walking around the monastery blessing the church.  She had a small wooden hammer and a board and she would stop at all four sides of the church (the four corners of the cross) and beat on the board a specific pattern.  When she was done another nun would ascend to the upper part of the monastery and also beat on a wooden board – this was the call to prayers for the rest of the convent.  It was quite interesting. 
The next morning we visited the painted monastery at Voronet.  It was built by Stefen cel Mare to celebrate a key victory over the Turks in 1488.  The most impressive of the outdoor paintings was on the back wall and explained pictorially the Last Judgment, which fills the entire western wall. The one at Voronet has been deemed the most marvelous Bucovina fresco, and is the only one to have a specific color associated with it – Voronet Blue, a vibrant cerulean color created from lapis lazuli.

Voronet Painted Monastery

Last Judgment scene

Pottery Shop
After leaving Voronet, Val stopped at a small ceramic factory in Marginea where they make a black pottery by leaving the smoke in the kiln as the pieces are being fired.  We went into the workshop and watched the men create pottery vases on the pottery wheel.  They could make a large vase in about 5 minutes.  It was amazing to watch them.

We then visited two more painted monasteries – Sucevita and Moldovita.  The Moldovita Monastery is located within fortified walls and has beautifully tended grounds.  The south wall also contains a fresco depicting the Siege of Constantinople in 626 AD.  One interesting fact about all these painted monasteries is that they are cared for by nuns who live in a convent on the grounds of the monastery.  There are no monks or priests present.  A traveling priest will come on Sunday to conduct the mass.

Sucevita Painted Monastery

Sucevita Painted Monastery

We then started our drive over a mountain range (not high like our Rocky Mountains) to Maramures, with beautiful views of the countryside – gorgeous fall foliage and beautiful valleys with little villages. As we drove over the mountains we saw the remains of snow that had fallen several days ago.  We stopped for lunch in a quaint little village where many of the homes where decorated with beautiful designs on the outside walls.

House with design

Beautiful  Views

Before reaching our little B&B Hotel in Maramures, we stopped and saw two of the old wooden churches that are found throughout Maramures.  What is amazing about these churches is that the craftsmen used no nails to hold the wooden planks together.  These churches date back to the 14th century when Orthodox Romanians were forbidden by their Hungarian rulers to build churches in stone. They are only found in the Maramures area.   The churches that remain today were built in the 17th and 18th centuries.  The first church we visited was the Leud wooden church – the oldest remaining wooden church built in the early 17th century. The next wooden church was located on the beautiful grounds of the Barsana Monastery.

Beautiful Views

Leud Wooden Church

Barsana Wooden Church

Inside wooden church


Friday, October 23, 2015

The Dalmation Coast Trip (Part 4) - Zagreb to Lake Bled

 It was overcast and rainy as we left Split – a portend of the weather to come.  As we were driving to our first stop – the Plitvice Lakes region, we made a stop at a small restaurant where Alan’s wife and son and waiting for us.  Alan needed to drop off some dirty clothes and pick up some warmer wear for the post-tour to Bled.  His wife is a tall, statuesque woman who works as a local guide in the Zagreb area.  His son is 10 years old and is going to be tall like his mother and father.  He likes basketball so maybe one day we will see him in the NBA.  Their 12 year-old daughter stayed back to help a friend with her horse – according to Alan, a horse trumps Dad anytime.
Does anyone wish to claim hkmi?

Alan and his wife and son

When we arrived at Plitvice Lakes, it was raining.  Plitvice Lakes is a 114-square mile national park that has 16 turquoise lakes that are linked by a series of waterfalls and cascades. They are divided into the Upper Lakes region and the Lower Lakes.  The Lower Lakes were closed because of flooding.  We took a 30 minute walk along one of the upper lakes to see the Great Waterfall.  It was magnificent – not as big as Niagara Falls or Victoria Falls, but stunning none the less.  Because of all the rain, the water was gushing over the cliffs.  We then took a tram to the top of the Upper Lakes region.  Most stayed on the tram to go back to the hotel, but seven of us hardier ones walked with Alan down to the lowest lake in the Upper Lakes region.  It was a 1 ½ hour hike (in the rain). I was not particularly cold, but I did get wet.  The wind breaker that we got from Grand Circle is only water repellant, not waterproof.  Now I have the cold that I miraculously avoided a week ago when Bill had one.
Great waterfall in Plitvice Lakes

Plitvice Lakes

Plitvice Lakes
It rained off and on the entire time we were in Zagreb.  Fortunately for our walking tour, it had stopped for a while. We took the funicular up to the Upper Town (political part of town) where we first visited the Museum of Native Art, the oldest such museum in the world.  It was one of the best museums we had toured.  A lot of the pictures where painted on glass and our local guide explained the complicated procedure.  First a drawing of the picture has to be made on a piece of paper.  Then the artist starts with the items that the eye sees first and does them, allows them to dry, and then add more and more features, until he finally adds what would normally be the first thing painted on a canvas – the background.  It was truly amazing to see the final finished artwork.  We then met our local guide who took us on a walking tour.  He pointed out the Museum of Broken Relationships, voted as the best new museum.  It sounded interesting, but we were not able to visit.  He pointed out the Parliament and Prime Minister’s buildings, St. Marks Church with roof tiles that looked like embroidered Croatia emblems, and the gas lamps that are still lit by a lamplighter every evening.  We then walked through the only remaining gate to the Old Town (13th century) where there is a shrine to the Madonna and Child.  At the bottom of the gate is a statue of St. George, the dragon slayer.  In the Lower Town, he showed us the flower and vegetable farmer’s market (dolacs) and St Stephen’s or Assumption of the Virgin Mary Cathedral.  It was built in a Neo-gothic style between 1880 and 1902.  However, it was built of limestone which has started to disintegrate.  In the 1990’s restoration was started, now using travertine from Italy to replace the limestone. We had free time for shopping and lunch.  We ate at a restaurant called Purger, which was quite good.  We had the veal stew and then some of our friends’ wienerschnitzel as the portions where too large for one person.  We then went to a textile outlet to find a few warmer tops for our trip to Bled. Since dinner was on our own this evening, we elected to have a hamburger in the hotel bar.
Native Folk Art

St Mark's Church

Gas Lamplight

Croatian Egg Art

Farmers Market

St. Stephen's Cathedral

The next morning we had an optional tour to the Baroque city of Varazdin, about an hour’s drive out of Zagreb.  For many years this city was the home of several aristocratic families, who built magnificent palaces and churches that continue to grace the city today.  The centerpiece of the town is the moated castle which now features a museum with antique furniture from different eras.  The castle was built in the 12th century and was used as the seat of local government until 1925. We then had some free time to walk around the little town – quite picturesque.  Our lunch was at a local winery  (Villa Donata) which also included some wine tasting.  We were lucky – we arrived at just the right time to sample some of their very young Chardonnay wine.  It was quite good, although still very cloudy.  Lunch was a roast duck that was very tender and quite tasty.  We then traveled back to the hotel for our farewell dinner.  Tomorrow most of the group heads back to the States, although about 10 of our group is going on the post-tour to Bled.  Alan has told us that we can travel with them to Ljubljana, Slovenia, where we will then take the train to Bled.  Fortunately for us, Alan is going to take our suitcases on the bus all the way to Bled since getting to our train platform requires walking down steps under the tracks and back up to the correct platform.  If we had our 4 suitcases it would have been a huge hassle.
Castle of Varazdin

Targets for Shooting


Ceramic Heaters used in each room

Town of Varazdin


Cathedral of St. Mary Ascended

Town of Varazdin

Villa Donata Winery

Wine Tasting
The tour has been good.  The scenery is amazing and the walled cities beautiful.  In the US we think old is 300-400 years.  Over here, most of the ruins we have seen started 4000-5000 years ago, and the cities have been occupied by many different civilizations (Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Venetian).  And as this area is prone to earthquakes, there has been considerable damage done by quakes throughout the years.  Yet the cities have been rebuilt and the damaged walls and homes repaired.  The streets are the same streets that inhabitants 3000 years walked on.  And yes, many cats roam the streets and shops of all the Dalmatian cities that we visited.

On Wednesday morning we boarded the bus with the other members of our group who were taking the post trip to Bled.  About a ½ hour out of Zagreb we reached the Slovenian border.  We had to get off the bus and take our passports to the passport control office and then reload the bus.  Once in Ljubljana, Alan pointed out the train station and we were on our own.  We got our tickets (only 5 euros each) and wait for our train.  The train was a very modern one, on time, and with comfortable seats.  It was a very pleasant ride and we were in Bled in 45 minutes.  By this time it was pouring rain.  We took a taxi to our hotel and spent the rest of the afternoon washing out clothes and relaxing.  We are getting very efficient with our hand washing, but by the time we get to Madrid, most of our clothes will be able to stand by themselves.  We ate at a little Italian restaurant in the shopping center by our hotel.

Saturday it was still overcast, but not yet raining.  We took a taxi up to the fortress on the hill overlooking the lake.  According to written sources, Bled Castle is the oldest castle in Slovenia, first mentioned in a 1011 donation deed as castellum Veldes.  We had some beautiful views of the lake and the mountains surrounding it, all shrouded in low clouds.  One of the most interesting things in the fortress was the replica of the Guttenberg press.  We were able to make our own print by selecting the cotton paper and scene we wanted.  The attendant then put it together and inked the letters and scene.  We then had to push the wooden level from the right side to the left side – not as easy as it sounds.  Even with Bill helping me push, the attendant still had to help us.  The result, though, was a nice print of lake scene with our name and date.  By the time we left, it had started to rain again.  We had wanted to take on of the little boats that ferry people to the island where an old church is located, but it was rainy and foggy in the afternoon.  The boats will only go if they have at least 6 people to transport.  That evening Alan had told us about a local Slovenian restaurant so we decided to give it a try.  According to his directions it was only a few blocks from the hotel, however, in actuality it was just a tad farther.  However, it was raining and the walk along the lake was nice.  We each had a Slovenia soup – mine was cream of garlic and Bill’s was a goulash.  We then split a Weiner schnitzel.  One thing about the meals here – they are filling and big!  Walking back to the hotel, we saw the fortress all lit up with orange lights – it was an awesome sight.
Stunning Views of Lake Bled from Castle

View from the Castle

View from the Castle

Church in the Castle
View of Island and St John's Church

Ceiling in Church in the Castle
Working the Printing Press

Putting the Seal on our Print
Castle lit up at night
The next morning we walked back over to the lake to see if we could take a boat to the island.  However, at the time it was just the 2 of us, and judging from the overcast skies we didn’t thing our chances of finding more people willing to go to the island was very good, so we took a walk along the lakeside.  As we were returning, we saw a group of people getting on one of the boats so we hurried and made it in time.  No sooner had the boat started for the island then it started to pour.  Luckily we had brought an umbrella.  At the island you had to walk up about 50 steps to get to the Church of St. John.  As churches go, it was okay.  But it did have a church bell that you could ring.  There was a long rope hanging down from the ceiling – you pulled on it 3 times and the bell would ring.  Legend has it, if you ring the bell it will bring you good luck.  We spent 30 minutes on the island and then hurried back down to catch our boat back.  No sooner had we left the island, than the sun came out!  We did get some great shots of the fortress in the sun, but the church on the island was still shrouded in clouds.  We ate lunch at a little pizza shop near our hotel and then hurried back to wait for the car that would take us to the airport for our flight to Bucharest.  We said our last goodbyes to the other members of our Dalmatian trip.  Goodbye Dalmatian Coast and hello Romania.

View of Bled Castle from Lake

Ringing the bell in Church of St. John

Bled Castle

Island and Church of St John
Lake Bled and Bled Castle