Thursday, September 24, 2015

Jerusalem - The Conflicted and Complicated City - Pictures (Part 2 of 3)

Church of the Visitation

2nd Floor of the Church of Visitation

Church of St John the Baptist

Tomb of John the Baptist

Model of Second Temple Jerusalem

Where the Dead Sea Scrolls are kept

Spice pyramid in Muslim Marketplace

Church of All Nations

Slab where Jesus Prayed in Gethsemane

Oldest Olive Tree, Gethsemane

Oldest Jewish Cemetery - on Mt. Olive

View of Jerusalem from Mt. Olive

Goat Herder in Bethlehem

Cave Home of Shepherds


Shepherd's Fields where Angels Announced Birth

This is what you have to wear when you wear shorts1

Church of Nativity Bells

Place where Jesus was born

Place where Manger lay

Coffee Anyone?

Graffiti on Wall dividing Israel and Palestine

More Graffiti

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